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Step Back

I'm in a preachy mood today, so I shall write another preachy post.

It's about stepping back and relaxing, which is kind of ironic considering that I'm quite an uptight person. My posts are suppose to be a kind of reflection thing for myself anyway.

The other day, I was talking to some friends and made the observation that we often get the things we don't want and don't get the things we want. Of course, we can blame it on luck, or fate, or ourselves for not working hard enough, but that isn't really the reason if it happens way too many times.

So can it be that we have stepped too close to our desires that we are blinded? When we have goals, we always have to see the route to the goals, but when we're zooming in so much on the goal, how do we see the route? Meaning, we know what we want, but do we know how to get there?

Personally, I think I do. But, I think I'm wrong. Time for some reflection and time to step back. Time to see the big picture, because desperation pushes everything we want away. It somehow does. It's a pattern. So maybe relaxing a little bit will in fact pull us closer to what we want.