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Suddenly Getting It

I don't really know if this applies to everything, but it's worth a try. I feel that many times, learning new skills is a lot about the "aha!" moment. Sometimes when we start to learn new skills, we see a rather bleak future. It feels like "I totally can't imagine learning this skill" or "this won't work". And that is very discouraging.

I felt that way when learning to swim when I was in secondary 2. It was all like "how do people even put their face in the water?" and "how to float?". But when I got it, it was pretty sudden. I just got it, without any complicated theories about making a streamline and breathing at the correct pace. It just suddenly became natural. This was especially so when I was learning frog style. During swimming lessons (I took them in sec 4 actually, private ones), I couldn't do it. But one day when I randomly try it again one day, it just suddenly worked.

Another thing about skills is that it is a lot of mind over matter, no matter how much it doesn't seem like it. I wasn't someone who can skate well or cycle well when I was younger, and I always slowed my siblings and cousin down when we were skating together. But in the growing up gap, I somehow accidentally psycho-ed myself that I can roller blade quite well, and when I picked up the blades again, I can suddenly do it with confidence. No more fear of going down slopes or such.

The thing is, it's often about "suddenly getting it". Sometimes we just have to keep on doing it. And maybe this can be applied to other life aspects. If you just don't get social skills, keep trying, keep struggling, and one day you will get it.  If you can't seem to make the right decisions, keep trying and you'll get it one day too.

But of course, there's the whole "step by step" thing which we must not forget.