These 2 weeks had been pretty hectic for me; It was just one thing
after another. I kept thinking "after this week, I can rest" and that
didn't realise. But next week, I'm pretty sure I can rest up, because I
kind of got "fired" by a tutee who didn't understand what I was saying,
which I shall elaborate later on. Let's talk about what's been going on
one by one.
Psychology Test
I've mentioned in one of my previous
posts that I was studying for my dip-plus test. The test went pretty
well, as in I remembered most stuff. There were of course some questions
I couldn't answer, and this one question which I got stuck in because I
know the answer but don't know the right term, so I kind of winged it
and, after checking the extra notes which I didn't read through, I
realise I got it right. I'm really confident of this CA because I spent a
lot of effort on it.
Come to think of it, this is the last time I'm in the same class
as my classmates. Not sure whether Anthea and Hui Xian will continue
next semester. I hope next semester I'll either continue being
classmates with them or start clicking with the guys or meet new people I
can click with.
Content Production final stuff
We had spent days
planning the shoot and stuff. We had spent days and days shooting. And
then we spend days and days and days editing the video. And finally it's
done! We finished out our editing and created a DVD for it as required,
and submitted it. Every step was an obstacle, but we did it :D
I'm quite disappointed though. Through our countless checking and
editing, the brightness and sound seemed fine, but when watching it as a
normal video together with other people's, I can't help but notice the
inconsistency in sound as well as dark visuals. Even though we did sooo
much sound adjustment and colour correction.
I spent the weekends trying to catch up on
stuff like gym, Demon's Souls (which I just want to get over with
because I'm so close to the final boss and I want to play Dark Souls),
and some shows and animes. I have a whole list of shows I want to watch
:/ Most of them, though, I can't find download links.
Comedy Script
Besides catching up, I did the comedy
script for DS in Guangyi's house. It was kind of like a study session
and I was the only one without exam. But it was conducive enough for me
to get my stuff out. While writing the script, I was squeezing physical
jokes out but wasn't even laughing at them, but I guess writers are not
suppose to laugh at their own jokes. I'm not a comedy person anyway.
Had the script reading session on Tuesday. A tedious 7-hour
script reading followed by 1.5 hours of rewriting. Basically we read
everyone's scripts. Some were more funny than others. We were supposed
to grade one another's work, and I feel that I was being pretty stingy
with the numbers. I gave a lot of 6/10 and few 8/10 and 4/10 :/ But
these are my true reflections. It's unfair to give more. I'm glad we
didn't have to grade our own scripts because the grades would be filled
with bias. I'm also glad most of my classmates give equally low marks.
Not so guilty anymore, and at the same time feel like I got what I
Apparently hardly anyone laughed at my script
because mine is a very visual script. Need to see then will be funny.
I'm quite glad Stella didn't shoot it too much. I got mostly "improve it
more" comments rather than "this is bad" comments :]
RIT Interview
For RIT (Research and Interview
Techniques), I was grouped with Stefanie, Shahidah, and Pascal. Did the
filming this Wednesday. Being the editor, I decided to mind my own
business wherever I can. I should just work on whatever shots we end up
getting because being over-controlling is arrogant and I don't want to
be an arrogant person.
Anyway, the interview went fine. That guy was a little talkative,
but interviewees are suppose to be like that. In fact, I'm pretty tired
of interviewees that give too little information. Our voxpop (short
passer-by interviews) was filled with lies which we instructed the
interviewees to say. Didn't have much choice, because most of them
either said things like "I'm in a rush, sorry", "I don't want to be on
camera" or "I've never been to The Sanctuary" (by the way, it was a
video interview about the learning space - The Sanctuary).
PPS Utopia Assignment
For PPS (philosophy,
psychology, and society), my final CA's group was CX, Shreya, and
Elijah. We kind of finished up most parts by Wednesday, filled in the
holes on Thursday, and found more holes to rush on Friday. Ended up
running here and there (literally) to submit it on time.
1. I ran up to the printing shop to print assignment. Shop assistant in toilet, shop locked.
2. He finally came back, I printed and realise I forgot to bring my wallet.
3. Ran down to take my wallet and ran back up to print.
4. Ran back down to collate all the stuff.
5. Ran to Ms Gamar's office, which is located all the way at the end plus upstairs of CASS office.
Became all sweaty. Had to rush to the stereoDADPcal event after that to film for them, which I'll talk about later on.
Tuition Job
Wei Jian introduced this tuition job to
me and it was pretty good in my opinion. My mum and one of my friend
felt that it was not very worth it but I found it too good to be true
for me at first. I'm willing to jump into a job in which I just have to
work for 1-2 hours per day and get around $10 per hour, because I can be
lazy and earn money at the same time~
But anyway, things are not completely ideal. I got a job in which
I was suppose to teach a China lady English for 1.5 hours per day, but
she needed to learn the super basic. Stuff like when "a" is pronounced
as "ae", when it is pronounced as "ah" and all those, which is kind of
like natural instinct to me already. I mean, such things are impossible
to explain unless you know the technicalities behind it (which I'm going
to read up on). In the meantime, she used a lot of subtext and beat
around the bush and suggested that I didn't need to come back anymore
because she didn't understand anything I was saying.
I almost got another job but then it got cancelled. I hope I get another soon. Just one or two will be nice enough.
StereoDADPcal event filming
Filmed an event for
DADP. Matin helped me, and I thank Buddha and God for that because it
would be ultimately awkward if I'm to do this alone. I can almost read
their minds going like "why are DTVM people in a DADP event". Afiq came
to help as well.
We were told to be there at 5pm to shoot the setting up, but
there was hardly set-up, so Matin and I just sat and chatted for a
little while. Shooting was fine, and it was a pretty fun event in my
opinion. There was the whole dressing up thing, the games and the songs.
They were all really enthusiastic too. This level of enthusiasm will
take a lot to squeeze out of DTVMers. Under-expressive people like me.
Anyway, I'm hoping to do a good job. I realise I asked for lots
of help for this, and I using Wai Meng's DTVM awards edits as a form of
reference. Matin and Afiq offered to help me with the editing should I
get stuck. I feel so not alone :)
Had a chat with Afiq in the long bus ride home. Talked about
stuff like writing, filming, jobs, people, and friendships. Got to
understand Afiq a little more. Sometimes I wonder how he get the guts to
express himself so easily. I filter everything I say, which isn't a
good thing. But I guess everyone has their quirks.
Just a random note: These few days, I opened this mindset that
I'm fine with people judging as long as I express my innermost opinions
and feelings. For the most part, at least.