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At some point some time, I'd decided to stop being an intense person who take myself so seriously. I had, to an extent. However, I had never really been able to get over my truest insecurity or "emotional baggage", as I would call it, which is a perpetual feeling of disconnection from everyone (and everything).

I am generally a pretty lonely person. I don't like being lonely; I don't even like being alone that much, but somehow I just am. I can't enjoy the same games as the people around me, I don't go to clubs or bars or play basketball or soccer because somehow that just doesn't happen in my life. Although I'm supposed to be a "writing/English" kind of person, I don't even like reading that much. There are so many shows and movies that movie buffs like those in my poly talk about that I can't relate to. To put it neatly together, I'm not really anything - not a geek, not a jock, not a party animal, social butterfly, anti-social, or anything. I'm just this random dude that is kind of there, and I just kind of like a bit of everything.

The reason why I'm writing about this is because I'd been pretty sad these few days; I have cycles of happiness and sadness and every time we get to the sad part, it gets worse, so now I'm kind of spilling over. At some point, I had decided that enough is enough and I turned to spirituality to solve my issues. I tried focusing on my religion but didn't think that it worked. I tried the "law of attraction" but apparently everything was supposedly a bunch of rubbish. But I truly believe that we all have spirit guides and they are always guiding us.

Today, I came across this statement which I had somehow been seeing: "This is exactly where I'm meant to be at this exact moment."

So perhaps, this is where I'm meant to be right now. And maybe one day, I'll stop being here and start being there.

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