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Car Accident

So... I got into a car accident. Frankly, I'm kind of tired of talking about it. But let's talk about it anyway! Yay.

It happened a few days ago. I was walking home, happy that Adrian and I have completed my day's goal of GAM progress (GAM = game project; I'm in Digipen now by the way). For once in the entire week, I don't have to do anything after I reach home. So, there was this traffic light in which the green man and the green light light up at the same time. Usually, I'll look at all the possible directions the cars can come from just so I'm safer.

That's what I did.

But that's all I did.

So, I walked and looked at one of the oncoming cars, taking for granted that if I look at it, it'll probably stop. And then it didn't! And then I kiiiinda flew, but just a little bit. And these are the first few things that came into my mind:

1. What the fuck how is this possible did I just get knocked down by a car?????
2. I need to stand up, get back to safety, and return everything to normal.
3. Where are my stuff (ie. wallet, phone, and slippers)?

So, strangers helped me and insisted that I went to a hospital. A man helped me to retrieve my wallet, handphone, and left slipper, which flew away. The one who knocked onto me came out and apologised to me profusely. I didn't care about anything they said. All that was in my mind was: WHERE IS MY RIGHT SLIPPER???

And I kept asking them that and they kept telling me that's not important and I kept thinking "no, they're wrong. It's important because I'm wearing my left slipper but not my right slipper."

So the kind stranger told me I need to wait for the ambulance and I just said "I want my slipper!" (I was not thinking clearly due to trauma, I think)

Everyone started going around, trying to find my right slipper. I tried too but this other stranger refused to let me move.

After they retrieved my slipper, I felt that everything was right again. So, my mind allowed my body to register the pain, which was kind of like (getting injured while falling down/running too quickly x 1.5) which is nothing considering that I got knocked by a car. I was so lucky that all my injuries were superficial, the driver was not a dick, nothing spoilt, and so on.

Everything else was even more mundane: Ambulance came, checked up, stayed in the hospital for 4 hours for observation, went home, decided to go to school the next day, got forced to report to the police or face a fine, got told that I need to do some annoying stuff in the days to come, and listening to my mum nag at me for not being careful at the road.

So, yeah. Once in a lifetime, I suppose. Now, I'm even more super careful when crossing the road, though sometimes it doesn't even help.

PS: I love my current layout, but it's about time to change it. Can't wait for free time so I can get to that.
