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2018 Reflection

Even though I wanted to create a new layout for this blog (especially since Photobucket the image hosting is no longer free, hence the watermark on the images here) but I've been more focused on the other stuff that I had been trying to do this holiday. So, if I have free time after I finish those stuff up, I'll probably do a simple one. It had been so long since I touched HTML/CSS. [Edit] I've done up a quick one. It's almost the same as the previous one except it's simpler. I do like the previous one more but it's time for a change.[/Edit]

Anyway, let's reflect on the things that happened in 2018.

Transitted from year 1 to year 2 student
School always pass really quickly. Just like that, 4 semesters were over. I was just thinking how, in polytechnic, that is pretty much 2 years being over. We would be doing FYP the next semester, but over here, we're not even halfway through. But in just 2 semesters, we would be doing OIP (Overseas Immersion Programme), which sounded like something far off when I first came in.

Anyway, it's great that I managed to learn some game design stuff, do a few games, and practice a lot this year; I also managed to gain a better footing on the gaming scene, although I'm not a hardcore gamer and I'll never be.

It's almost surprising that I seem to be improving on the writing end as well, seeing that, the last I checked/tried, my writing was considered mediocre at best. Now, with English lessons, I have more opportunities to practice.

Failed year goals
It wasn't in this blog, but, among other things, I wanted to get my 2-star kayaking license by the end of this year, but I didn't, because I quit canoeing to join water-polo, which I quit again. I regret quitting Canoe in the first place, but what's done is done and I still intend to go get that 2-star next year.

Improved on my swimming
I can swim freestyle now! Being a novice swimmer in water-polo had put a lot of pressure in me to quickly and miraculously master swimming but I guess that's too much for me. One thing I took away, though, is that my strokes are better. It's surprising to think back to a time when breast stroke required effort.

Took part in my first pitching competition ever
Its not supposed to be a big deal but it kind of is to me. I hope I'm able to do at least one of these every year, which is very little, but considering my packed school schedule and the 100000 things I want to do... yeah.

Had a family trip with a tour package in Vietnam
I'm not a fan of following a tour group but Vietnam was great. It had pretty sceneries, an intriguing lifestyle, and lots of water. Crossing the road was super scary because we had to put a lot of faith on the drivers. Basically, we had to casually walk across the road despite the oncoming cars and we had to expect them to dodge us. Speaking of...

Got into a car accident
This was in Singapore. I even blogged about it a few posts ago. I'd never trusted traffic lights much but I trust them even less now, although to say that will be funny because there's nothing to distrust about traffic lights; it's more about whether people will obey them.

Got braces
Initially, they hurt. But at this point, they almost feel like a part of my teeth. It's great that I'm almost one year into the braces, but I still have a long way to go. I can't wait for the day when I get to remove them. In the first place, I decided to get them because my teeth were difficult to brush properly and there were edges that would hinder my tongue and it was annoying.

These are probably not all but I'm lazy to continue. On to next year, I also don't have much goals, except more of the same. I've been following a new workout programme and I'd tried to be consistent with it so I hope that yields some result. I also hope to learn a bunch of stuff and have a really fun year and get out and kayak and maybe get that 2-star license, which is unlikely if I am waiting for Joshua and Jasmine to get their 1-star because they have to wait one year before being allowed to progress to 2-star. We'll see.

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