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Little Nice Things

I'm trying to make the habit of blogging once a week, consistently, especially since it isn't even a difficult thing to do.

To be honest, I felt like I've been overly-emotionally-invested in the game project (GAM) in school, hence I've always been trying to fix things, such as the unfun-ness of the game, the bugs (I mean, I don't really have a choice), the (possibly perceived) disorganised nature of our workflow, etc. It was tiring. So, I decided to take a few steps back and chill. This reflects in life as well, since I tend to worry too much.

So, instead of being intense and overthinking and all that, I want to talk about a few small things that make me happy these few weeks.

So, Arrow used to be good back when in seasons 1 and 2. Then, seasons 3 and 4 happened but I persisted through them. Now, this season seems to be going really well, seeing that they're reducing the screen time they give Curtis (he's annoying af), removing the power rangers aspect of the show (a bunch of heroes punching bad guys), and actually creating believable arcs for characters.

In the previous season, Dinah's story had been forced. This season, it was a lot more grounded. One thing that they still refuse to change and probably never will is that they insist on shining the spotlight on Felicity and they insist on making her annoying and they insist on disacknowledging that.

Still, this season is pretty good so far and that makes me happy.

Maplestory 2
I just downloaded and started playing this. Unlike Maple Story itself and Maple M, this isn't all about being ridiculously overpowered and gaining 20000 levels in 5 seconds. It has nice OST, many of them remastered versions of old themes (eg. Lith habour theme, cash shop theme) and they're pretty good!

Upcoming Vietnam Trip
My family is heading to Vietnam during my holiday. Although family trips are not super fun (to be honest), it looks to be a beautiful place and I've always wanted to visit Vietnam.

Upcoming(ish) Overseas Immersion Programme
About 2/3 of a year later, we'll be heading over to Redmond Campus in Washington for an immersion programme where we take classes there. It's expensive af but I heard that the whole trip is really nice and we get to live in apartments rather than dorms and things like that. I hope it'll be fun.

Asian Youth Theatre Festival
To be honest, I included this here just to document what I did recently (aka today) since it's fresh in my mind and I'm used to listing down things I did in this blog. It's not that awesome because I only watched one play. That's not to say it wasn't good. It was. But, I only watched one.

Anyway, it was a play done by hearing-impaired performers from Laos and a puppeteer. It was pretty funny. I don't usually watch many plays, but occasional exposure to elements of it have been nice and I do want to go watch some serious ones some time when I'm less poor.

There are many little pleasures, mostly involving no-life things such as manga, books, and shows. Legend of Tomorrow is great, a new manga that I've been reading has been really entertaining (High-Rise Invasion), etc etc.

Oh, and Game of Thrones finally received an air month! It's about the same period as when we were supposed to fly over to US, so I guess that's two things to look forward to.

On that note, I'm trying to shift from a look-forward mentality to a contentment kind of mentality. I get so negative that sometimes looking forward to things just become an escape. When those things do come, I often just find more stuff to look forward to.

So, I guess that's it for this week. Maybe next week I'll write about something more focused.

Speaking of next week, I forgot to mention that I participated in a pitching competition by the Singapore Writers Association and it makes me happy to learn that I've been shortlisted to pitch to a panel next week. I'm kind of scared, to be honest, but it's just one day so I should survive.

Yeah, so I'll see how things go.

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