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#39 Interpersonal

So yesterday marked the end of my dip-plus's second module, Work Relationships. It had been a really great module, and this year in this module had brought my class so much closer. I've got to say it's mostly thanks to our awesome lecturer Ms Tan. She was always trying to get to know everyone through her psychology lessons and theories. And even though lessons are mostly passive, they are somehow fun because everyone is just laughing with one another.

We learned about psychoanalysis, therapy techniques, human nature, families, and heard one another's mini problems. Sometimes I actually do look forward to this class. At first, it felt pretty awkward to be in class because everyone was distinctively split into cliques and my clique wasn't even that close. But then we slowly developed friendship and stuff with the whole class. Everyone respected one another and were pretty open.

And then we had a new classmate, Michelle, this year. Unfortunately, this is her last semester in school, so she would not be continuing with us to the next semester :( But she has already completed that semester actually.

Yesterday was the last lesson as well as a skill-demonstration test a.k.a counselling test. So we were counselling one another and it was pretty intense. Everyone had to take the role of a counsellor and a client at two different turns. As the client, we had to talk about a problem we are facing - a small one.

So, I talked about how it was so difficult for me to keep a conversation going - no surprise there. And my counsellor was pretty good. I was trying to touch at the superficial points, but he was able to dwell deeper and deeper, though he didn't have enough time to explore with me stuffs I never knew.

As a counsellor, I got a client who had this problem which I also have, so I was pretty much stuck and just went round and round the bush D: Shouldn't have focused on finding solutions :/

So, back to talking about this module as a whole, it was a module that made me understand so much more about people and myself. Certainly useful and inspiring. Looking forward to the next one.

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