According to how my course count the weeks, this is week 12. Our last assignment is due on week 17. It's tiring and all, but I've got to admit that there's this workaholic in me that enjoys this busy lifestyle. There's also this sloth in me that just want to chill.
So, basically, the highlights of this week are our documentary pitch and seeing the chinese doctor. Let's elaborate on the chinese doctor first. Basically, he said that I've got too much heatiness trapped in me, and the medicine he gave me seems to work. I do feel like I'm recovering. However, it's a free doctor, so he only gave 2 days worth of medicine, so he told me I have to see him again if I need more.
For the presentation, it went pretty fine. Rather casual. My group's profile seems to have captured some of the panel's attention, but they warned us about developing it into a good story. The ideas are pretty good, for people who aren't passionate about documentary. There was one on a magician and another one on a k-pop addict.
So, to just run through the week, Monday was web publishing (WPD) class and dip-plus. Basically, for WPD, we learned a little about Flash, which is pretty fun, and started planning and programming our website. For dip-plus, learned about listening skills. It's the usual stuff they teach in leadership workshops, mentoring workshops, and peer-support workshops. I think this is the forth time I've went through this. It kind of disturbs me when people cannot listen
Tuesday was simply a lesson about blogging, and preparation for presentation. Wednesday was the documentary pitch, and some slacking. Thursday was consultation for our documentary filming. Ms May Lin, Hazel, and Zi Wei worked out the storyline for us, so hopefully we're safe.
Today is Friday. Had our gallery walk for Social Innovation Project (SIP). Basically, walked around and listen to people talk about their products. It's quite funny when people get agitated over negative feedback.
Journalism was next. Did a mock news casting for sports journalism, and then had a lesson on sports journalism. Sorted out our newspaper, and then we were dismissed. Decided that since it's a Friday, we should chill somewhere, so Avelin, Joey, and I decided to rest and relax at Marina Bay. Had Pizza Hut for dinner and then went to the Singapore River to absorb the peace. This pair of good singer plus guitarist was performing, and it was great. Talked about Joey's sad story, as well as some other stuffs.
So that's the week. This weekend is going to be hectic because there's like, 2 assignments + part of another assignment due on Monday, and another assignment due on Friday. Need to be filming for the whole day on Wednesday and Thursday, so my only free time is Tuesday. Better news is, I haven't started on my article for journalism, and I haven't started programming my part for web publishing. It's okay, I know some of these assignments require me to do things I kind of enjoy. Might as well try to have fun.
Labels: dtvm, things that happened