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"Chuunibyou (Adolescent Delusions)"

Just finished watching this anime called "Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!" yesterday. Its English name is something like "Even People with Adolescent Delusions of Grandeur Want to Experience Love!" It's a romance cum comedy anime, and it's one of the best I've watched for awhile.

The story revolves around this concept of adolescent delusions in which ordinary people think that that they are special have superpowers. Of course, it's just a delusion.

For instance, the above main character, Yuuta, used to have these delusions and saw himself as the 'Dark Flame Master'. Under the delusions, he conceptualised his own powers and saw the world as a fantasy kind of world. He also wore weird costumes to "fight enemies" and shout random "cool" phrases such as his favourite catchphrase "vanish into the embrace of dark flames!"

So, at the start of the series, he had so-called cured from this so-called disease and decided to be a normal human. He felt extremely embarrassed of his past delusions. On his way to becoming normal, he met Rikka, the female lead.

This girl has a serious case of the delusions, and she sees herself as "The Tyrant Eye". So, to conceal her powers, she put on an eye patch. So this is a love story between Yuuta and Rikka. As the story develops, Rikka's delusions become a problem and Yuuta is tasked to make Rikka normal.

However, it's more complicated than that. This adolescent delusion is actually something Rikka uses to cope with her problems. It is her passion and her life. Basically, Rikka isn't Rikka without this delusion.

Towards the end, it got really sad. I shan't elaborate for the sake of not spoiling the show. But the kind of sad isn't the tragic kind.

I feel so much after watching this anime. It has so many themes that I can relate to. The main one is about how people deal with what is real and normal, and what is mere fantasy. [spoiler]Sometimes people choose to lie to themselves because escapism is their hope.[/spoiler]

This anime taught me about myself too, since I'm into this whole fantasy and superpowers thing.

And Rikka's character is so lovable. She is shy, yet so weird and outspoken when it comes to her delusions. And so many weird things that she did were meaningful. She carries around this purple umbrella which she calls the 'Schwarz Sechs Prototype MkII'. This umbrella adds on so much to her personality, and she uses it at crucial moments for small things that make such big differences.

And then there's the love between Yuuta and Rikka. They are so similar, and they are just so made for each other. But this isn't really a cheesy show about the "perfect guy/girl". It is about saving the one you love from her depths.

There are other interesting characters too. I shall only elaborate on two of them.

This girl is Nibutani. In my opinion, she is a very relatable and realistic character. She puts on a perfect front, but behind this mask lies a mean, judgmental and irritable hypocrite. Behind this layer of her personality is another nicer side of her which she only reveals towards the end. It's funny to see what she's up to. Like Yuuta, she used to suffer from the adolescent delusions as well, and is trying her best to become a normal person too. She used to call herself "Mori Summer" and her catchline was "love is everything".

This is Dekomori, also known as Mjolnir Hammer. She is like Rikka - currently deluded - and is proud to be her servant. She is mostly a funny person to watch, but at the same time she is so relatable as well, towards the end. If you watch it, you'll know why.

So basically, this anime is so awesome. I cried like an idiot at the last episode. You should watch it if you have the time.
