Not much had been happening these two weeks so far, just the usual school stuffs. There are some bright notes here and there, one of them being that I'm probably recovered from my stomach flu. I shall not take any risk and only start doing energy-intensive things next week or something.
Last Wednesday
Had Writing for New & Interactive Media (WNM) instead of Documentary Making. Ms Mary invited some students from some game development course to come down to the Writers' Room to share their knowledge about game design. Basically, it's consultation with students from another course. Stefanie and I paired up to consult with a guy, who gave us some feedback revolving around gameplay and target audience.
By the way, my idea is about this guy trapped in a slum in a fictional world and trying to get out. It's slightly more complicated than that, but as TV people, we simplify everything we can. I originally had a 21 years old as the main character and there were themes like "breaking the wall", "love conquers", and stuff like that, but Stefanie reminded me about the target audience, which is kids. So I had to change the main character into a 12 years old kid and make the heroine a mother figure instead of a love interest. Feels quite weird.
Back to topic, we had this fake "pasar malam game sale" thing to see whose game is the most popular. After that, we returned to lesson. The lesson about transmedia storytelling (telling one story across different platforms - comics, TV, movie, game, etc) is news to me and kind of opens the door to a more exciting future for me because my problem is that I cannot decide what to write for.
Had lunch at Moberly, before requesting Ms Stella to let us use the Writers' Room to rush our CA. She agreed. Although people say that the room smells of socks (last time), is uncomfortable, and is hard to focus in, I like it. Feels so relaxed inside. Anyway, Ms Gamar came in with a group of Health Promotion Board people halfway through our work. She was telling them about the room, creativity, and our course.
I can't help but got interested in her speech. She said things like how the people in this course are mostly introverts, are a little weird, and stuffs, but because everyone is like that, we belong. So true. I love the HPB people's reactions to the room. Even though they're adults, they enjoyed the slide and seemed to have quite a lot of fun. This fun-loving spirit is what we must not lose as adults.
After that, we went to watch Matin and Pascal play football for CASS, against Business School. They won. It was quite entertaining at first, for someone who doesn't watch football. Joey and Elijah were commentating random stuffs. After awhile, I got bored and left. The rest stayed and watched the whole match.
Last Thursday
Documentary content production. I know I've said this before, but I must say it again. Ms May Lin really knows what to do. My group was basically nowhere in terms of ideas. We had no proper clue as to how our story would flow. After consulting with her, she helped us dig for hope. Now we not only have a proper story, we (or at least I) now finally understand how producing documentary works. Anyway, the class was basically free time for us to do our assignments.
Last Friday
There was Social Innovation Project. This week was about need analysis. After that, headed to Spectrum to have breakfast and rest until Total Journalism. Even though we had 2 assignments to be submitted on this day, we still had to do a test.
It was quite okay, I guess. Basically, the test was a lot of rearranging stuffs and writing radio news. I can't help but feel that writing one script per 15 minutes make each of them seem so unimportant. I guess I'm more used to spending days writing a TV script and then spending hours breaking it down and improving on it. Back to topic, the test was okay, and I'm not nervous this time. It's probably because I've decided not to be too anxious anymore.
Last Saturday
This is so not a proper weekend. Started with tuition with IS again. Fortunately, he's much more focused today, so I didn't have to keep getting his attention back on the tasks. His mother told me that he made
some improvement, which I'm glad for because I hate wasted time.
After that, went filming at Serangoon Gardens again with Matin and Yvette. Joey and Hanissah could not make it for various reasons, so the three of us just decided to get it done and over with fast. I just have to mention about how discreet Matin was filming while pretending to be stoning. I actually got tricked once when I thought he was stoning but he was actually filming secretly.
Last Sunday
This is a proper day's rest, finally, after who knows how long.
WPD was completely design thinking this week, in the Writers' Room. Did the ideation for the website. We were dismissed an hour early after that. Mj and Cx accompanied me to FC6 for dinner before my dip-plus.
Dip-plus was fun. Had a Chirstmas party kind of thing. Last week, we were told to bring food and a gift this week, so we did and gathered them at the back table. It was really tempting. I'm really thankful for how my lecturer (Ms Tan) always tries to liven up everything and even get us into the festive mood. But before the party, we had lesson. Learned about Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. Splitted into 3 groups and had to counsel Ms Tan, who pretended to have all sorts of disorders. It was really funny at first. She kept emphasizing on how good she is in acting like a patient, but kept laughing halfway.
Then there was the party. Spammed food, and had casual chats with my classmates here and there. Felt like we finally connect. Ms Tan tried to play a Christmas song but ended up getting distracted by random parodies of Indian songs. Did gift exchange after that. Charles receieved my gift, which is a keychain of a guitar from K-On. I'm so glad someone who watched K-On got it! It was actually a last minute gift and I didn't know what else to buy. I got Hui Xian's present. It was this bird-in-a-house structure which serves as a key holder :)
Had WNM and it was more about transmedia storytelling as well as mobile apps. We were released quite early. Headed to Bugis to have Astons. I was really tired, so I went home first after that.
This is today. Documentary Making lesson. More about analysing films. I think I'm beginning to understand how to do it properly. This week, we watched a film about kids in an African warzone and their passion for music. It was about them struggling to win a music competition. There was also background information of 3 kids' lives. Very sad. I almost teared at this touching scene when everybody so passionately prepared to go and win the competition.
Headed to Ghim Moh with Hazel and Wai Meng to pass Ms Wai Wai the videos that we promised her. Returned home after that.
Labels: dtvm, pcap, things that happened