Happy Chinese New Year!
Chinese New Year was not exactly a blast, but it wasn't quite bad either. The best gift I've received for this year's CNY is early dismissal from my internship by 2 days.
This year, didn't catch up much with my cousins. Just did the usuals: Played cards, drank a little bit, and... Actually, that's about it.
Another great gift this CNY is the new year cookies. Last year, I couldn't eat too much new year cookies because I had some stomach-related issues. This year, I happily indulged myself in all kinds of goodies.
And I received a One Piece hong bao from my mum, not because she knows I adore One Piece, but because my sister got it somewhere and asked her to use to for all of us o_o
I guess that's about it so far.
Labels: family, things that happened