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I No Longer Blog About...

This is just going to be a random post talking about things I used to blog about but won't anymore. Because I have nothing better to blog about actually. I realise it after I named all my life-updates kind of posts as "Recounts and Ramblings" :/

1. Sad and emo stuff
I don't like to write about things that make me sad because they make me sadder. It's different from writing on a piece of paper or telling someone else about it. It's like I'm announcing "I'm sad because of bla bla bla". Feels different. Plus, I don't really enjoy the process of writing about stuff like that because it's like emphasizing on what really irks me. I used to write a lot of negative posts about "how sad my life is" and all those. All self-pities -.- But I deleted them. They were from my primary school and lower secondary days. In fact the very first post of this blog as it is now is also quite emo and self-pitying.

2. Rants about people
I use to rant about people a lot. In primary school, I'm a horrible person who blogs about my "best friend" all the time and bitch about him non-stop. In secondary school, I wrote bad stuff about classmates I hardly talk to, and they actually read my blog and scolded me as "anonymous".  I don't know where my pride went, but I actually apologised to them o.o I mean, I was at fault but usually people at fault don't admit it and apologise immediately, especially in secondary school, but I did so anyway. Anyway, I learnt my lesson and bitched about teachers instead, and then there was a significant change in their attitude towards me. I somehow realised and stopped bitching about them. And I somehow realise it's wrong to do so. So, I stopped. I won't like to read posts talking bad about me anyway.

3. Instructions
People don't like to be instructed on how to live their lives, I know. That's why when I wrote posts about "life", about "positive thinking", I tend to use a suggestive approach rather than a "instead of being so pessimistic, you should be optimistic" kind of approach. But recently I rather not write about it anymore, because I can't live my life any better than anyone else, plus there's nothing more for me to suggest anymore. And it's still instructions.

4. Lengthy descriptions
I am basically not able to write lengthy descriptions anymore. Ever since upper secondary. In essays and stuff, yes, but in terms of my daily life, I can't anymore. When I was in primary school and in lower secondary, I can simply write a post longer than this one about one day of my life in school, about maths lessons, science lessons, PE lessons, and now I don't get how I did it. Not that I want to. Sometimes when I give too much information in my blog, people tend to get sensitive. And it's difficult to be descriptive yet secretive at the same time, which is important sometimes when I'm suppose to help others keep a secret. They go like "don't tell them I came out today because I told them I'm sick".

I don't like to read these four kind of blog entries either. For (1), I dislike it even more when people go like "no one cares about me at all" or "I'm such a poor thing, other people are so lucky" and stuff. I mean, it's okay to emo and all, but don't accuse others. Sometimes people do care, and they may not be as lucky as you think, etc.

I don't know if this post is a rant or ramblings or what, but I guess I finally managed to blog about something apart from my weekly recounts :)