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Second Yearers

We're second year students now. Year 1, in some sense, had been quite slow, but year 2 came rather suddenly :/ So now I'm actually a senior. Not suppose to be a big deal, but somehow I feel quite happy about that. Okay, I shall just briefly summarise the modules I'll be taking because I have nothing else to blog about.


Content Production 1: Drama and Sitcom (CP1)
Getting to work on the production of a drama. Seems like we'll be doing quite a lot of pre-production as well as filming. For CA10, I think we're filming a "cute-meet" scene (a scene where a guy and girl meet for the first time). Quite interesting, but these romantic things are just not for me. Lessons so far, to be honest, had been rather dull, but it's much more survivable than VPPP, a 7-hour video-production module we took last semester.

News Writing for Global Audiences (NWG)
Our first journalism module, I think. The others we took in the previous semesters were just foundation. But still, didn't get to write any news yet. Right now we're learning the theory. Writing comes later. It's not so interesting either, but news is just not my thing, though this module makes me start reading news. Speaking of which, I wasn't that interested in American TV shows until I joined this course. It's kind of a pressure thing which turns into pleasure. Maybe the same will happen to newspapers and me.


Scriptwriting 2: Drama and Sitcom (DS)
Finally got to write our first script. It was fun, in my opinion, discussing over the lines and stuff. Did a script read and a particular group is sick in the mind -.- I guess this will be one of the more interesting modules, but don't think we'll get to work on lots of drama. According to the CAs, it's a lot of comedy :( Oh, by the way, this is a 7-hour module, but it's way more survivable than VPPP last year, maybe because it's a writing module.


Storytelling 3: Character and Plot Development (CPD)
Still don't know this module well, but it seems to be rather simple. Character, plot, character, plot. Sounds simple, but the CA1 isn't. 4 parts, 3 weeks. The lecturers are out to kill >_< Luckily it's group work, but I won't be shock if there's another stay-back-until-10am-and-not-sleep-at-night-to-complete-CA episode.

PE - Adventure
PE module. It's actually rock-climbing. Haven't got to climb yet, but it seems interesting. Learned the ropes and the belt-underwear thing and the kiap-kiap thing. Generally I like climbing stuff despite some fear of height, so I guess this will be fun. Same class as Pascal. Besides that, the class seems friendly and some of them look like they're genuinely having fun. Want to get to know them better :)


Philosophy, Psychology, and Society (PPS)
I have no idea how this module is linked to the rest, but since it's interesting, it doesn't matter :D I missed the first lesson, and when I came back on Monday, everyone was singing praises about how wonderful this Mark guy (the lecturer) was, and how interesting the lesson was. I got really curious. The lesson is actually fine. Quite interesting, and the lecturer is soooo youthful (more youthful than some of us).

PCAP 1 - Introduction to Psychology
My dip-plus. Missed the first lesson, so this was super confusing. Made friends with Wai Meng's best friend. It was fine. It's been so long since I studied stuff, so the fact that I had to study for this module kind of intimidated me, but still it was interesting. I like what we learnt, but I'm seriously not looking forward to the CAs. Should get to know my classmates better. Oh, before this class there was an irritating 7-hour break (what's with timetables and 7 hours???). And the lesson being at night doesn't help, though I do realise why it is at night.


GenEd 3 - Independent Study Project and Presentation (ISPP)
I don't know why my GenEd isn't called SIP like everyone else's. Maybe it isn't. I don't know. Ended up in the same class as Hanissah, under Ms Sin Yee again. My classmates seems fine and friendly enough. Small class, easy to bond, so I want to get to know them better as well. So far it's been rather boring, but it's survivable, i guess.

Research and Interview Techniques (RIT)
Missed the first lesson, so it's all confusing and such. Still, today is enough for me to understand a little bit about the lecturer that gives a scary impression, Ms Mary. She's quite nice and friendly actually, so I guess lessons are going to be fine. But the module seems kind of boring :/ I hate researching and interviewing. Does anyone has a maid to allow me to interview for my CA1? o.o

Thursday is like psychology day and Friday is like research day. Hmm... Hope I survive happily this semester. And I hope my rather busy schedule is going to be a fulfilling one. Things are looking up this new semester so far. Shall promise myself to not get into another mood swing. Positive thinking!