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Okay, so all the people in my class are given a piece of homework, which is to write a 250-words blog entry about the most powerful word to each of us. There is no particular "most powerful word" to me, but after many days of consideration, i've finally manage to thought of one. That one word is "WHY".

To me, the most powerful word is "why". This is because this particular word can cause a lot of impact to our minds. Whenever we ask ourselves "why", we start to think for a reason. This can be a reason to why we are behaving the way we do, why some things happen, why there are certain rules, and basically anything. It can help us, and it can piss us off too.

To scientists, this word is their best friend. By asking why, why, why, they are opening up opportunities for themselves to make greater discoveries. These discoveries can change the world. Imagine if this word doesn't exist and people stop seeking reasons. How much will we miss out? We don't have to talk about scientists. Just in our everyday life, without using the word "why", we will not know why a mistake we make is a mistake. We won't know why we get a stomachache when we eat that biscuit which dropped onto the floor, and thus we will do that again. This word, "why", makes a difference.

I am an ordinary person, but because i too have such curiosity and constantly ask "why", i often think a lot. Many a times, I analyse my own emotions because i kept wanting to know why. Why did i feel unhappy when i do? Why did i fear certain things that other people don't? This word leads me to over-think things.

In other words, the word "why" is a bridge; it connects things and situations to their possible reasons. By asking why, we can clarify things and make us stable. But sometimes, just because we ask why, our minds start to waver and we become unstable. In a nutshell, "why" is power to our minds.