I've recently finished reading a book called "Room" by Emma Donoghue, and it was a super nice book. It uses simple language and some incorrect grammar that is fun to read. I am not trying to outsmart an author, but the reason why i say that the grammar is incorrect is because the author made those mistakes on purpose to reflect the grammar of a 5 years old child. The story is told nicely and it is a unique tale.
Anyway, i am going to write a review on this book. My review is going to be personal, so it's not going to be professionally-written. By the way, this is my first time writing a book review. This review is going to be classified into plot, character and expression.
PlotThis story is about this boy called Jack. He was borned in a room, and he lived in the room, which he calls Room. He had never gotten out of Room. To him, Room is the world, and the world is outer space. His stuff are his friends. He plays with his Ma everyday. Every Sunday, certain things he and his Ma requests for are going to be given to them by
Old Nick as a Sunday Treat. One day, when Jack turned five, his mother revealed to him that there is a real world outside...
Not going to reveal too much of the storyline. I'll just say that even I, who usually cannot summarise stuff because i always end up giving too much detail, can summarise this story. This is because this is more of a descriptive story than a sequence-based story. Alot of descriptions are involved. This doesn't mean that the writer doesn't have ideas. This writer had a creative base idea for this story and every essence and detailed of it had been squeezed out and got expressed through words into a book. These little details are great ideas too. I love the plot and i got excited when the story suddenly made greater progress. In some ways, this story is really realistic. It doesn't have dramas and all, yet it reaches your heart. One part which i like a lot from this story is when it is implied that Heaven to one person can be Hell to another. The last few pages were bittersweet. It ended beautifully.
CharacterI love the characters. And actually, throughout the story, there are only 2 very main characters: Jack and Ma. Ma isn't the real name, but the real name was never revealed. You can see naivety and kindness in Jack. He is polite, well-risen and happy. Without direct mentioning, it is almost a given that me make the implication that Ma nurtures Jack well. But Jack has his bad sides. Due to his lack of interaction with others, he became quite self-centered. Ma is nurturing, loving and has moral values in her. However, she is sensitive and assertive such that she often told people off just for slight insensitive moments that went through.
What i love most about the characters is that you can totally feel the love between Jack and his Ma. Jack loves Ma and Ma loves Jack. This is something that is expressed throughout the book; they went through thin and thick together.
ExpressionThis is the best element of the book "Room". It is how the story progresses, making every situation we deem ordinary into a situation considered extraordinary in the eyes of a kid. Like a praise for this book by New York Times Review, this novel gives "
us a fresh, expansive eye on the world in which we live." It is the style of writing, the chapter organising, and the structure, language and all these that brings out all the love, the fear, and the rest of the emotions. I couldn't believe how ordinary yet captivating the ending was.
OverallAn excellent book you must read, this is the first library book i ever finished reading.