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My Prelim Results

All the preliminary examination results that I have gotten back were disappointing, except for science(chemistry) and food&nutrition, two unexpected subjects. It is true that i've been spending much effort on chem, but i also spent almost as much effort on bio, which greatly disappointed me yesterday. Even though i spent majority of my energy on studying the sciences and ended up having not enough energy to focus on studying FN, i scored pretty well :D!

English - Paper 2 was rather disappointing because i failed, but i'm getting used to it, even though though i shouldn't be. Paper 1, on the other hand, was surprisingly good for me. I was expecting really low marks for my free writing, but it ended up unexpected :), even though i'm still rather unhappy about my task fulfillment component of situational writing. To someone: By the way, it's true that i'm proud of myself, but i don't go around showing proud faces.

Maths - Both papers were quite disappointing, probably because i spent too much efforts on social studies instead. Actually, much of my marks, and i really mean much, had been deducted due to carelessness and time, even though i've tried to manage time well. Carefulness and wasting of time seem to go hand in hand, so usually it's either i get careless or i have not enough time. It's kind of annoying to see both together.

POA - I don't actually feel anything about this result. I got 60/100, but i kept on thinking that mr kok calculated it wrongly and added 2 extra marks. It was only yesterday when i found out that it wasn't a counting error, but i just didn't see two ticks. Again, much of my marks got taken away due to carelessness.

F&N - Really happy with this result :D My essays ended up giving me way much more marks than i had expected. Ms ang is a lenient marker :D I hope cambridge is also as lenient.

Sciences - Science(Bio) was extremely disappointing. I've spent really lots of time, energy and efforts in this meaningless paper and ended up just brushing on the passing mark, for paper 4. The others were okay, and they somehow pushed my marks up. Science(Chem) was a lot better. Got way higher than usual :) Pushed my science up.

Humanities - SS was disappointing. Did not get the marks that i wanted and thought that i could get. Source-based questions were badly done. Geog was okay.

L1R5 - 24. Just needed one grade lesser to get the study break. Hope i can somehow get it.

My life has been especially dull recently... :(