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The big hammer

You are holding a big hammer. This big hammer can be used for many purposes. You can choose to use it to smash the head of the person you hate the most, or you can use it to crush your insecurities. You can actually use this big hammer to destroy the exams as well, as in, score well. It is a weapon. Using this weapon, there is so much that you can do. You can choose to construct a beautiful future, whether socially or monetarily, or even in terms of passion. At the same time, you can use it to destroy a person, as well as yourself. We all wield this big hammer. It is a hammer without a form. It isn't spiritual, it is psychological. Use this hammer to craft your future, be it future as near as seconds later or future as far as five years later.

Everybody is insecure in their own ways.

Gotten back several results:
English paper 2 - 23/50. This mark is not confirm yet. Hope i'll be able to add 2 more marks. I thought i would score well :(
POA papers - 58/100, but recorded as 60/100 due to some calculation errors. Had yet to tell mr kok. Should I? Anyway, an improvement from my mid-year exam. Still quite disappointed, though.
Maths papers - 64.8/100. Rather disappointed.
Bio MCQ - 14/20. Really disappointed in this part.

Looking forward to combined humanities and all the science results! Not FN, because i'm not confident about it at all. I've actually that most of my mistakes are due to carelessness or tricky questions. And some time management. So difficult to balance between being careful and managing time well... Going to practice TYS like mad for all subjects. I was really confident of the papers at first...

Nevermind. With practice, i'll put everything in place. Maybe i should go to sleep now. Bye.