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September 2015

September had been a really long month, and I didn't like most of it. There were redeeming factors, but sometimes life just sucks.

1. Signed 7 extra duties
I'm still not going to elaborate on this, except that it is fucking annoying, and it prompted me to read up and practice on anger management habits, which lasted for two days.

2. Met up with my DTVM friends on a few occasions
It's a pity I didn't get to go to Elijah's birthday party, which I heard was pretty cool. And guess why? Because guard duty. We get so many guard duties it's ridiculous. Fucking hell. But back to the main point, I met up with Stefanie and CX twice, once for early lantern festival "celebration" and the other time just to have lunch and dinner. Matin was there too, but he left sooner. It was nice to just sit by the Singapore River and have actual conversations.

There was another time we met - last Sunday, for Joey's birthday. We met up in Lavender first to cafe-hop. Caught up with the lives of Avelin and Joey. They both started school and it's interesting how DTVMers usually react when they get into university, with the exception of Joey. Is it a DTVM thing to be miserable??

After having some overpriced food and ice tea and mocha and stuff, we headed over to Thomson Road to play card games. Stefanie introduced us to Avalon, which is a slightly altered version of Werewolf, and then we played Munchkin, a fantasy role-playing game. They were both really fun, especially Munchkin. I remember having first been introduced to it when my grandfather passed away and my sister's friend brought it over to teach us to play. But I guess the context and people make a world's difference.

3. Bought my own domain on the internet
I am going to start a blog with international audiences. This idea has been sitting in my mind for years, and I think it's long overdue to do something about it. I just wish I have more time to work on stuff that I do want to work on, instead of stuff people want me to work on.

4. Also bought a new laptop
I've elaborated on this before. It's expensive and more or less the same as my previous one, but I love it.

5. Watched Inside Out and Shingeki no Kyojin with the mehs
Okay. I'm not going to talk much about Shingeki because negative response to movies are usually uncalled for, so I'm just going to talk about Inside Out; it is really good. I wrote a whole post about why I loved it somewhere else. Before this movie, I didn't have a favourite movie, so when people ask me for it, I would just be like, "Uh... I think... Maybe... Probably Hunger Games?" Now, I can be a little more sure.

6. Had Live Firing
My company's aim for us was to get 100% Marksman, which means that everyone is expected to be accurate enough with the rifle. Funny.

7. Led the recruits through the remaining (almost) of the Physical Training Phase
I guess the recruits are okay enough. I don't really spend much time with them because I'm not a very engaging sergeant, something I am willing to work on, and also because from time to time, there are stuff that the Support guys have to go for, and me being a Support guy attached to my current company, I would not be around to take the recruits. 

8. I tried not to be that shag, sad, quiet, and angry guy...
And then I failed and some part of me screams, "Why should I??!!"

I just look forward to spend more time with my friends and alone, but October doesn't look like it's going to be nice. Maybe the next eleven months isn't too.

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