Recently i've got nothing to blog about. Maybe i'm becoming less open and starting to shift away from sharing my thoughts in my blog. Sometimes i feel that my blog is getting too superficial. You get to know nothing much about me from my blog, except for things that i do and wear around my sleeves. It's just a surface to show what i want to show - nothing.
The reason, i think, honestly, is because i'm afraid. I no longer dare to voice out and get my true soul heard. All i dare to do is to put on a front to show people what i want them to see. I'm not being completely genuine, because i fear judgement, even though there's nothing to fear.
So, perhaps i should start finding things that i'm more interested in to blog about. For now, i shall just do an update on my daily life on the surface.
I've updated up till last friday. Last friday was supposingly the last day of my open house duty. Went to school earlier to do consultation with sweelin for EP ca2. Went to fc2 to look for yakun but couldn't find it, so went back to fc4 to have our lunch. My sick was at its climax around this day, so i was feeling tired and uncomfortable in my stomach.
Went to do bus duty anyway. Did one round of tour. Felt very nervous and the people were laughing at me -.- But after that, the lecturer got me out of bus duty to do spcc side door duty due to a lack of people there, fortunately. So, i did and stood there for like 3 hours giving people stickers o.o
This week had been a lot of CAs. I need days without CAs T_T Rushed EP and finished it today. Feeling quite confident about it. Aiming for an 'A' isn't too much, is it? So this week, we're done with WMM (World Issues and Media Maker) and EP (Entertainment Programmes) ca2s. It's just left with VPPP (Video Production), CS (Conceptualisation and Structure), and CMM (Communication for Media Makers).
WMM was fine. The thing that's scariest about this module is the judgement and criticisms that come with it, not the CAs themselves. The CA2 was a really easy test which i got a B for (we went through the test right after doing it). Got back WMM ca1 too, got 81, to my relief.
Got back CS and CMM ca1s too. Got 'B' for both of them even though i worked the hardest for these modules. As for VPPP, i already got a 'C' for ca1, hope to buck up in my ca2 and ca10.
I sound like a no-life loser o.o