It's been so long since i've seriously worked on layout-design and stuff. I had even stopped visiting graphic sites (most of my favourites are dead already), but this holiday i suddenly feel like improving my ability to design stuff for a layout. So i've spent a lot of time coding, experimenting, and doing stuff on photoshop these 2 days and sort of "renovated" my blog layout into this :D
For me, it's one of the best thing i've done for these design kind of thing because it's personal and fresh for me, as in i've never done header images like this.
Recently, i've started visiting these anime graphic design websites again and i'm getting inspired again. I feel like creating a website, but i know i'll need to spend a lot of effort to produce content and manage it. In the first place, i don't even know what kind of content i can put inside. For now, i guess i'll just practise on layout-designing then maybe if i'm still interested in this whole website thing next time, i can get myself a domain or something.
It's something random, but i feel like a page on the web is like an online room, thus the title of this post :)