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November 2011

Woots, this year is coming to an end in just a month's time! This month had been tiring. Lots of projects and some stay-back-till-nights. But i think i didn't go for any BP mentoring session. Skipped 2 times, and then the other two times don't have sessions. Don't have much to summarise; it's all school school school, and some personal stuff of no interest to anyone else but me.

I'm going to blog about it nonetheless. Despite these projects, i've managed to be disciplined enough to keep to my weekly to-dos! I guess it's because this time i made my goals bite-sized. (speaking of goals, i suddenly remember about gened PLJ) And some tuesdays, i met jt for swimming/project. Some thursdays, met guangyi to chat (unfortunately many thursdays i'm in bad moods). Then on saturdays we go to the gym. Kind of a routine. Happy that we can find time for one another despite schools and projects. Oh, and occasionally guangyi, ruwen, and i meet up for dinner and stuff on thursdays.

Besides this weekly to-do thing, another personal thing is the kind of annoying thoughts going on in my head. Must be optimistic!

Then there was 11/11/11, 11:11. There were two of them. On the afternoon one, my EP tutorial group actually held hands and started wishing. And on the night one, i didn't wish because i was busy helping my sister take photos of some figurines she asked me to buy. Speaking of which, my sister's one piece new world figurines set is almost complete.

There was the Anime Fest Asia, but i didn't go.

Went for run for hope with guangyi, weijian, and melvin.

Had lunch with classmates and then went to watch puss in boots today, with stefanie, avelin, hazel, and cong xu. Very long never watch movie already. I want to watch Snow White and the Huntsman when it comes out! :D

Oh, and i started re-reading yankee-kun to megane-chan because i forgot 90% of it. Funny like mad.

I guess that's all for the month. Unproductive but fine.