Some months ago, my cousin, Hong, and her husband booked a chalet at changi and they invited lots of relatives there as well, including my family. Because they had one extra room, they have gave it to us (Ping Cheng, my siblings and i) for one night. So, this weekend we had been i the chalet.
Yesterday, started the day as usual, watched naruto and all those, and then set off for the chalet in the evening. Ping cheng and my brother weren't there yet so there was only my sister and i, in terms of people we talk to. So, we went to check out the surrounding area. It's very beautiful but have very little facilities. Right beside a beach and there were some platform thing that made the house go one level above the sea. There were no park and all those stuff. So, after checking out the area, my sister and i went to the room and did out own things - laptop and psp. When the adults were ready, they started barbecuing, and we started waiting for the food. Thus we played monopoly deal. Ping cheng and brother reached soon after that. Because we ate very little from the barbecue, we continued barbecuing satays after the adults got tired of barbecuing. And therefore we spent time like this, and then went back to the room to rest after that. While my parents went home, we played the card game "Bridge". Complicated, but once you understand how the game is played, it is fun. Like this, we played till 4am and then went to sleep.
I woke up at 12pm or so and started enjoying the peace and quietness (and bread) alone for quite a long time before getting a warm shower (finally, because my house heater spoil) and watching "Tom and Jerry" in cartoon network. They finally woke up and we started wasting time with cards again. Somehow wasted the remaining time until 6pm. Parents came back to the chalet and they started having barbecue round 2. We waited for the food again. This time, we played ball with gabriel, my nephew. Also tried to "play" with two extremely cute cats. After much patience, i finally managed to stroke the cuter cat a few times. Fed them. Got tired, so went to play "Plants vs Zombies" in the living room using my sister's laptop while my parents and aunties chatted about NS, children and another auntie of mine (let's call her "Crazy Auntie"). This Crazy Auntie is really mean. She kicks people when they are sleeping, suffers terrible mood swings, throws her neighbour's stuff, demands people to return her presents she gave out, etc. But i shall not elaborate. So, after awhile, we went home.
But this post shall not end here. I want to rant about my nephew Gabriel because he is so arrogant, bullying, attention seeking, loud and the things that he says doesn't make much sense. In other words, he is downright annoying. If he is not a young child, i would've hated him a lot.
Arrogance: He thinks of everyone of being in the same level, even his parents. So he commands people to do things for him. And the way he say it, it's as if it's our business like that.
Bullying: He anyhow threw my sister's monopoly deal cards so i patiently told him to pick them all up. Then, he SMILED, picked them up and threw them upwards, scattering them. And he was very HAPPY. One of the card dropped into an unreachable area, and we got angry. He did feel guilty, but after awhile he started commanding us again. He told us to go into that unreachable area to take it. My sister got angrier and said "You so pro you go in take la!" at him, then he said "Don't want. I don't want to make my hands dirty!" -_-
Attention seeking: Needs no elaboration.
Loud: I don't get why, but every sound he make is not a "said", it is a "shouted". Which means he shouts instead of saying. And his pitch is super high. It's irritating to no end when he shouts next to you. And he continuously screamed at a cat on purpose to "play" with it -_-
Luckily, today he got pushed down by another kid today and he cried :D Then he tried "playing" with my cousin's dog but the dog was more enthusiastic than him, and he ended up being scared. These should be lessons for him. Anyway, he is not spoiled. In fact, i think that his parents are way too strict with him and shouts at him for every small thing.
So yeah, this is what happened in the chalet. To some people, it should be a break from their work, but for the very negative people, they may see it as a duty o.o (like my dad) Whether it is a break or a duty, it is up to them to decide, just like in life it is up to us to choose which perspective to see things from.