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The o level results were released yesterday. I was extremely happy to see mine.

L1R5: 12 | L1R4: 8
English: A2
Combined Humanities: A2
Mathematics: A2
Science: A1
Food & Nutrition: A1
Principles of Accounts: C5
Chinese: B4

Then after collecting our results yesterday, we went to watch 鬼也笑 (The Ghosts Must Be Crazy) in the cinema. It was more of a comedy than horror movie, so it was funny. Consisted of 2 stories: One about in-camp training and one about marrying a ghost.

After that, had a chat with jasmine until 9.30pm, then went home. Manage to catch about 10 minutes of the new 9pm show and it appeared rather dull.

Made decisions as to the courses i want to take after that. Finished making the decisions just now.

Edit: This list is slightly edited.

1. Creative Writing for TV and New Media @ SP
2. Psychology and Community Services @ NP
3. Applied Drama and Psychology @ SP
4. Psychology Studies @ TP
5. Film, Sound and Video @ NP
6. Child Psychology and Early Education @ NP
7. Digital Media Design (Games) @ NYP
8. Games Design and Development @ SP
9. Game Design @ RP
10. New Media @ RP
11. Environment Design @ TP
12. Environmental Science @ RP