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#53 Epic speech before the final battle

This final final week of school is going to zoom by. I feel like some JRPG character who's finally reached the final boss after going through many fake "final bosses". And of course, before the final battle, I must make an epic speech that shows my resolve and how I've changed from day 1.

Just kidding. I'm not going to to that. But recently I've just completed my personal favourite RPG of the year :(

Tales of Xillia

I shall write a blog post about it, but not now though. Generally, it's been the best RPG I've played in PS3 so far. But considering that I'm not really a gamer, that's not really something surprising. It's really great, though. One thing I love about the Tales series is how they handle the characterisation. Love those random dialogues that they sometimes spam us with.

But back to topic, I'm serious about this week being the final boss of DTVM. FYP pitch this Saturday, and though Stella told us to sleep the night before... I'm having a sleepover at Wei Jian's house xD Which probably means no sleep :S

And also, there's law exam tomorrow. I shouldn't exactly be blogging or beating the final boss battles and stuffs, but then let's just say that exams and final presentations are meant to be tackled with a relaxed mind. Studying for media law had been pretty relaxing thanks to Xillia (^).

So, to recap what have happened the past few weeks, PCAP final report was over, PCAP test, which was almost as much content as law, cramped into 2 days of studying. Speaking of which, I must talk about that extremely packed period.

PCAP test + report + filming + research paper all due on Monday and Tuesday. That was one crazy period. After that, everything had been relaxing. It's kind of half a holiday for me now. Compared to my friends at DADP, we have it easy. From what I heard, they seem to be doing research papers 24/7 up till a few days ago.

In the meantime, thanks, again, those who helped us like our Lonely Fish page as well as our Forget Me Not page! And I'm pretty proud of our FYP website: :D

Our trailer is not exactly done yet, but filming was done since last Sunday. It was fun filming weird and awkward scenes and enjoying some cozy crew + cast dinner and stuffs. Hopefully the video turns out great.

And in the midst of this last sprint thing, some of my friends have already confirmed their internships. In the meantime, I finally settled on what I ultimately want to do, not for the internship, but for my career. Sometimes I lied to myself.

Yeah, so that's it. Look forward to seeing my reflections of all DTVM times and/or review on Xillia! As if you will. But yeah, bye.

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