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The Personal Mountain

During the LEAP foundation camp last week, i had learned the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and taking risks. I had read a book about it before, but knowing is different from doing. I had been forced to apply this in camp.

What made this camp so special for me was that many people pointed out the fact that i was too quiet. They then proceeded to encourage me to speak and providing me with moral support. The thing is, we can't achieve what we want without stepping out of our comfort zones.

I wanted to be more outspoken and assertive. What one of my teammates said to me during the camp struck me: "You said you want to be assertive, but i don't see you being that." I realised that many times, i would say 'i want to', 'i will'. But in the end, i just procrastinated and let fear take over me.

My friend said that during the camp, she climbed 2 mountains: One is a physical mountain she climbed during trekking, the other is a psychological mountain of tolerance and temper control. I had climbed 2 mountains too: The trekking one and a psychological mountain of speaking out and being sociable.

It was uncomfortable trying to get heard and talking whenever possible, even when i didn't have things to say. But it worked and it helped me to become more comfortable with speaking. Though i still didn't completely feel comfortable, i know that it no longer matters. We need to step out of our comfort zone in order to learn, and eventually the discomfort zone will become our comfort zone and we know we grew.

I know that in the future, i will be more outspoken.