Image from we find rain beautiful, but sometimes we really dread it. No matter what, rain always exist, and sometimes it comes at the least suitable moment. Rain is like problems that come and attack us.
Too much rain can cause floods, which take away animals' lives and cause destruction here and there. Similarly, too much problems take away our sanity and cause us great pain, and sometimes take away our energy to fight back.
But too little rain can cause desertification. The land without rain dries up and become nearly empty. No life can grow and it's the same as almost-complete destruction. Similarly, no problem causes us to be spoilt and lazy. It's the same as destroying ourselves. Fortunately, there'll
always be problems unless we push them to some other people to handle them for us.
The best is having problems, but not too much, then our insides can be like a rainforest, full of life and beautiful species.
Some unnecessary infoThis post is actually scheduled from one week ago to not flood my blog with too many posts at once. First time scheduling my post :D
I like metaphors because they make concepts so much clearer and easier to figure out. Astrology is also kind of metaphorical. It uses outer-space and planets as some sort of metaphor to Earth. Maybe that's why i like it.