Although it's a bit slow, i'll blog about what happened yesterday. In the morning, nothing much happened. Afternoon, baked strawberry sponge cake to practise FN practical, with mum's guidance.
Near evening, met artika and waited for 1 hour plus before man kit reached. Went to play pool again, and i'm kind of getting bored of it o_o Went to J8, had some rather interesting chat and hanging around, then took quite a lot of photo, which is all with artika.
Anyway, i brought 2 slices of the cake, intending to give artika and man kit, but artika ate both because man kit was late o_o
Ok, i want to put the photos here, but i'm lazy to put those that i have and most are with artika. So, instead, let's watch this very interesting video.
There're other stories on this same orange. Quite funny.