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Open ourselves to forgiveness and look at that positive side

After spending these few weeks of being very moody (and i still am), i figured out that there's no use in telling myself that "I can always simply pity myself", because nothing will change, except the fact that i'll feel worse.

Ms aljunied started her "i'm back" with admin stuff + a story about how she lost her luggage, and stuff. Sadly, the class got criticised for not completing the decoration on time. This time, i can confidently say that it is not my fault. I've done all that i could. Most classmates did up the class motto and recycling box, and ms liu has also did some stuff. But there are just some classmates who didn't help. (and refused to!) [yes, i'm talking about you this time]

Chinese was boring, followed by boring recess, and chemistry, and then social studies, and then maths.

AV. It's okay. I've told the seniors that i wanted to take part in 3 video competitions: school life video, environment video and SDMA (some 10 min movie thing) :D